2 Things To Consider When Deciding On Where To Install Your Home's New Gas Water Heater
Whether your current water heater has broken or you are in the middle of renovating your home, you may be faced with the decision as to where to place the new appliance. If you are able to be flexible in regards to the placement of the water pipes and gas lines, you may be looking for the most ideal spot in your house. Before you make your decision, there are a couple of things that you need to consider when choosing a location for your home's new gas water heater.
1. Position the Water Heater in an Area Where It Is as Close to All Faucets as Possible
One thing to consider when deciding on where to have your new water heater installed is the location of all of the faucets in your home. Ideally, the appliance should be as centrally located as possible.
When the hot water leaves the appliance, it uses up energy to deliver the water to the faucet. If the faucets are too far from the hot water's source, more energy must be used. You may also notice a drop in water pressure the further away the faucets are to the water heater. If you are unsure, you can ask the plumber doing the installation for their recommendation.
2. Place the Appliance in an Unenclosed Area to Allow for Proper Ventilation
Another thing that you should consider is that a gas water heater cannot be placed in an enclosed area. Because it uses gas to heat up the water, there needs to be space to allow for ventilation so that it does not overheat, which could cause damage to the appliance or even an explosion.
If the water heater must be partially enclosed, vents must be placed in the walls of the enclosures. Your plumber will know how many vents as well as where they need to be placed to ensure that the placement is safe and up to code.
When deciding on where to put your home's new gas water heater, positioning it so that it is in close proximity to all faucets in your house could help to reduce stress on the appliance as well as save you money on your energy bills. You also need to make sure that the heater has enough ventilation around it so that it does not overheat. In most cases, gas water heater installation can be completed by a plumber.