Is Your Water Heater Dirty? How Sediment Can Ruin Your Water Heater
If you haven't had your water heater flushed in a while, it's time to call a plumber. Over time, sediment builds up inside the tank. While sediment buildup is a common problem, it can have an adverse effect on your water heater. If you're hearing a popping sound coming from the inside of your water heater, you need to call a plumber right away. That popping sound is a sign that sediment is breaking up inside the tank. If you're not sure you need to have a plumber flush out your water heater, read the list below.
Here are four ways that sediment can harm your water heater.
Increases Occurrence of Clogs
If your water heater tank is filled with sediment, you need to worry about clogs. You might not know it, but sediment can get into the drain valves. When that happens, your water heater won't drain properly. As a result, the water heater can malfunction. If the drain valve becomes too clogged, your water heater can rupture. Before that happens, call a plumber near you. A plumber can flush the water heater tank to remove the harmful sediment.
Increases Risk of Corrosion
If you can't remember the last time you had your water heater flushed, it's time to take care of that. Sediment increases corrosive buildup inside your tank. That's because sediment can react with the metals inside your tank. When that happens, the inside of your tank corrodes and decays. Unfortunately, corrosion can weaken the inside of your water heater. If that happens, your water heater can leak or rupture. You can avoid that risk by having your water heater flushed as part of the routine maintenance plan.
Reduces Energy Efficiency
If your energy bills have been going up, your water heater could be the culprit. Sediment inside the tank can make your water heater less energy efficient. Sediment that settles at the bottom of the tank and stops the heating element from working. As a result, your water heater will need to work harder to heat the water inside the tank. Ensure good energy efficiency. Have a plumber come out and flush your water heater. That way, they remove the sediment that makes your water heater work harder.
Reduces Water Capacity
If you're not getting as much hot water as you used to, call a plumber right away. The sediment inside your tank could be reducing water capacity. When your water heater tank fills with sediment, there's less room for water. Regain your water capacity. Get your water heater flushed right away. Once the sediment is gone, your tank can fill with water again.
Contact a local plumbing contractor to learn more.